By snownerd - 03/11/2011 16:13 - United States

Today, while I was shopping, I saw my old friend from high school. After a bit of talking, I ended up giving her my phone number. I wrote it on an old receipt. Little did I remember, the receipt was from when I bought lube and condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 761
You deserved it 39 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iFizzgig 11


Don't have cell phones where ur from?

YDI. Most of us that are past high school carry this thing called a cell phone. It has many functions that keep us guys from having to use our lube and condom receipts as make shift post-it notes. Even without a cell phone, you need to be situationally aware and not do stupid shit like that.

Maybe she won't look at what you bought? Otherwise she may think your really lonely

Don't follow the lonely bit - lube you might use alone but condoms you tend to use with a friend.

This us what passes as an fml today? My god this is shit

thir13enthour 0

Trying to find the problem here...

Don't you just _hate_ it when that happens!

Lol thats ****** awsome id be prowd of that one

In loads of places condoms just come up as "chemist goods" on the receipt, in the UK at least, so that can be almost anything, as lots of (embarrassing) things can show up as the same.

Ciuby09 2

It could have been peanut butter& jelly