By SeagullsShouldDie - 28/08/2010 06:07 - United States

Today, was my uncle's funeral. He was cremated, and his wish was to have his ashes spread into the sea. As we were waiting for the waves to come and take him away, a group of seagulls came by picking at all his ashes. I guess he tasted good. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 135
You deserved it 3 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They will have to poo eventually though, so chances the ashes'll end up in the sea after all (or on someone's head) are pretty good.

When my Uncle died he told my Aunt to put his ashes in a douche so he could rest in his favorite place. No! I did NOT ask her if she did it!


birdmansangel 0

its actually illegal to spread ashes now

i don't understand why you would post something like this. shouldn't you be mourning instead? as for the people trying to be funny and making rude remarks... get a heart!

i giggled furiously at this. this isn't an fml, it would be if the ashes they didnt eat flew back into your face and then if they crapped on you (that is if they had a super fast metabolism that is..) xD

#34 - Haha! He was very sick & "dying" for many years. Doctors gave him months, he took about ten years!

that makes me wanna cry ): that's sad

I'm sorry your uncle died and all, but the seagulls hardly knew- did you expect Mother Nature to make something wonderful out of them? DId your uncle have a massive fear of seagulls? I thought the whole point of scattering ashes was to release the body back to nature etc

yummy people ash!! I'm sorry op, that really sucks