By SeagullsShouldDie - 28/08/2010 06:07 - United States

Today, was my uncle's funeral. He was cremated, and his wish was to have his ashes spread into the sea. As we were waiting for the waves to come and take him away, a group of seagulls came by picking at all his ashes. I guess he tasted good. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 135
You deserved it 3 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They will have to poo eventually though, so chances the ashes'll end up in the sea after all (or on someone's head) are pretty good.

When my Uncle died he told my Aunt to put his ashes in a douche so he could rest in his favorite place. No! I did NOT ask her if she did it!


ok yea it sucks but btw he gets eaten by worms and maggots in the ground...

that kinda made me laugh... not the eating part, but the tasting good part. :|

Panther_fml 0

THIS IS NOT AN FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

You do realize of course that cremated human remains are not actually ashes but are in fact ground bone.... right?

maxrider 0

that's so sad :(. my friend was cremated and dumped into the sea but no seaguls. that really sucks

when i die i want to be cremated and have my closes friend roll me into a blunt and smoke me or snort whatever

your uncle must have been the colonel.

ifinsane 6

Course he does haven't you ever seen due date