By Say Cheese - 22/08/2011 17:19 - United States

Today, this girl who has been stalking me for almost 7 months sent me a 12 page text comparing her love for me with her passion for cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 347
You deserved it 3 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It's ok! I've had an ex write me an 8 page letter using song titles to explain his anger. He stalked me for 2 weeks until I finally agreed to be his friend =/

amayalives4music 1

Tell her your lactose intolerant :)

Well, if she really loves cheese, then what's the problem? xD

silversonic75 6

What kind of cheese? If you give her a bunch of her favorite cheese, she might leave you alone. The cheese is a substitution for you that she can love forever without any restraining orders involved. Everybody wins!

Bang her and Bounce. Just kidding, that's not right. But she has feelings too, right? Sure she sounds weird, but try to .. Goodluck x'D

kenziem18 0

time to change your number. or just block hers!!

7 months of stalking, a 12-page text, AND she loves cheese? Put a ring on her finger before someone else does.