By Say Cheese - 22/08/2011 17:19 - United States

Today, this girl who has been stalking me for almost 7 months sent me a 12 page text comparing her love for me with her passion for cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 347
You deserved it 3 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments


beauty2646 0

Umm question if she is your "stalker" how come she has your number? Also, why didn't you block her number?

You gave her your phone number? Not like cells are in the white pages....

perdix 29

Tell her you'll go out with her if she goes Vegan. You'll never see or hear from her again. No dude is worth cheese abstinence!

So she is cheesy. Hmm... Maybe she will make you a heart out of your favorite cheese.

brii_love007 0

Hey at least she hasn't shown up at your window meowing at you js

Chigagigaroo 0

That's a wonderful comparison. :/