By Say Cheese - 22/08/2011 17:19 - United States

Today, this girl who has been stalking me for almost 7 months sent me a 12 page text comparing her love for me with her passion for cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 347
You deserved it 3 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments


be lucky yu were compared to cheese nd not candy. cheese is the sexiest food ever, but FYL either way xD

Am I the only one thinking that if this girl needs to stalk people to get a date and she likes cheese this much, then the real issue here is probably that she happens to be fat? I think the soultion here is a referral to Weight Watchers or some other effort along those lines.

Please tell me you didn't read it all

purplelavenders 0
jerico616 14

Buy a gun and keep it with you!! Next thing you know, you'll wake up in a bathtub of ice, missing a kidney, with a note saying that she just wanted a piece of you to take with her!

Maybe if you showered a little more often you wouldn't smell like a combination of cheddar, gorgonzola and ass crack????