By InsideActress - 05/04/2009 19:11 - Canada

Today, the director of the play I'm in decided to explain why we got the parts we did. He said he tried matching our characters to who we actually are. I play a whore who's a transvestite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 867
You deserved it 6 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what play are you doing?! sounds like you're doing Rocky Horror. if you're playing Dr.Frank-n-furter, take it as a complement.

I agree with #1, if you're doing rocky horror and you're Dr. Frank N. Furter, it is probably the best compliment ever that he thinks you've got the guts to be him. Now let's do the time warp!


And if this bothers you, maybe you shouldn't be acting.

hahahah the most epic fail/win ever!!!!

Dichoscillation 0

Someone has to be the trans *****. I can't do drag ALL the time, you know! No, but seriously, as a guy who crossdresses about half the time and sells, I think I'd do a good job as the character. Unless they couldn't tell I was actually a guy... that happens sometimes.

SilentGround 0

if you are doing rocky horror, be proud.

lolwhat_fml 0

maybe he ran out of people to pick ... * key word: TRIED

As every else has said if it is Frank-n-Furter it is a complete honor. Why audition for Rocky Horror if you don't want to play Frank-n-Furter???

christie_fml 0

Oh my god, if ur Angel from RENT, its a compliment! I LOVE her! Shes so creative and awesome! Haha. IF you're Angel.

Hahah I feel your pain. My freshman year of high school I got casted in Cinderella with the only line "I wish I didn't like to eat". As I said it I had to hold up a turkey leg.

everyone on this site takes everything so literal. these fml's are getting boring.. theyre like bad punch lines. he obviously didn't mean it like that, get over it, its gonna be fun to play that part.

yeah that really sounds like rocky horror thats great then still funny that he basically called you a transvestite *****