By Anonymous - 28/02/2012 19:41 - United States

Today, someone caused over $400 worth of damage by breaking into my car, just to steal $8 worth of beer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 120
You deserved it 3 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bbedlock_fml 7


harof1c 0

That is some ****** up shit. Hope you get your window fixed

I wish I could thumb this up more than once!

MrsUresti 8

Oh that totally sucks sorry OP man people nowadays!!!!

The worst part of this is... they were dumb enough to break in just to steal Pabst Blue Ribbon. And op why do you have alcohol in plain sight in your car?

Someone did that to me for a pack of smokes that had 3 left

Orgasms 4

"I don't always drink but when I do, I cause $400 worth of damage just to get more beer."

Did the guy who broke into your car have a beerd?