By GettingNone - 25/06/2009 03:05 - France

Today, my wife asked me to pop an ingrown hair near her crotch. We haven't had sex since last September. Popping her ingrown hair was the closest I've gotten to my wife's vagina in nearly nine months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 308
You deserved it 6 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How the hell do you go that long without sex? I'm married and we don't go more than 2 or 3 days, even when we're sick. This is after four years, too.

That sucks! You know the romance is gone when your wife asks you to pop an ingrown hair. Near her ******.


I bet she is currently nine months pregnant and ready to bust, in this instance she wouldn't be able to see the ingrown hair. It would be bothersome knowing it's there and can't see it. And that probably explains why he would be so willing to pop it, since his wife is pregnant and most likely cranky as hell.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! My goodness that is GROSS! I don't even know what to say. You should've just thrown a rock at it and asked her if it popped yet. I would've done that. YUCK! Slap yourself, she should be able to pop her own shit.

why the hell would someone ask for that?????? Thats just retarded

She couldn't do this herself? Is she missing her arms? Nine months without sex is ridiculous.

...unless your wife is so fat, that she can reach her cooter.

beepmeep 0

YDI for not trying to repair an obvious loveless marriage after say.....a few weeks? a few months? Seriously. It takes two people to make a relationship work and if one person isn't doing their part then it's up to the other person to make some sort of confrontation.

well if you're over 45 and have children....uhhh would you really wanna have sex every 2 days? like wtf.

Gross! I would never ask my boyfriend to pop an ingrown pube. Especially when we're not physically intimate.

Man! Most of you make me sick! Grow up! How old are you, 11? You would be surprised what you will do for the one you truly love, especially if you have been married for some time. As to why so long, not everyone needs it every day, week or whatever. Health also plays a HUGE part. Chronic pain can take the "fun" out of sex REAL quick. I know. Grow up people.

this makes me hope my parents dont have sex since i was born or atleast since i started middle school