By GettingNone - 25/06/2009 03:05 - France

Today, my wife asked me to pop an ingrown hair near her crotch. We haven't had sex since last September. Popping her ingrown hair was the closest I've gotten to my wife's vagina in nearly nine months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 308
You deserved it 6 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How the hell do you go that long without sex? I'm married and we don't go more than 2 or 3 days, even when we're sick. This is after four years, too.

That sucks! You know the romance is gone when your wife asks you to pop an ingrown hair. Near her ******.


hopeless429 0

that sucks you need to talk to her

crazy_cat_lady 0

You really need to learn how to eat pussy. I didn't sleep with my man for a while because I was never satisfied. And what's the point of me giving it up to him when there's NOTHING in it for me? Then, he watched a bunch of "movies" and studied, and now he has a REALLY GREAT technique, and now I'm all over him, doing anything I can just to get some bomb service in return.

I think sticking my face in front of a pus-filled ingrown pubic hair might turn me **** for the next 12 months.

DeathByIrony90 0

FYL, Dude, I'd rather be in no relationship at all (as I am now) than trapped in a loveless and sexless marriage! And being from France, I bet she doesn't shave or use deodorant either, FYL EVEN MORE!!! (J/k about that last part, but it's half-true)

In a loving relationship things like popping and ingrown hair should be no big deal. Hell I go to the washroom infront of my fiance and it's no biggy. What is a big deal is not having sex. try pleasing her and then maybe you might rekindle the love, also maybe get some toys or a sexy outfit! Get a sex swing or a sex ramp (the ramp is good for hitting the special spots ) ;) seriously get out there and try new things!!! it makes sex fun and enjoyable.

# 31 lmao hahahah but dude that does suck u should talk to her

HumansSuck 0

Why couldn't she pop it herself? And why the hell aren't you having sex? Go to marriage counseling, now.

HumansSuck 0

You don't want your parents not to have sex, they'll end up like my parents :(

but the thing is, oftentimes a woman's sexual drive decreases AFTER the pregnancy, it's like nature's way of making sure she doesn't get pregnant again right after birth