By sockmonkey - 01/05/2012 02:21 - United States - Corona

Today, my parents decided on my punishment for failing an English test. No deodorant for a week. They think they're so hilarious, they told all their friends, and now it's all over Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 777
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

daisyismydog 3

You can just take a bunch of showers or buy your own deoderant. Problem diverted.

Well isn't it nice when parents act like immature teens. FYL OP!


atamaga 0

That's disgusting and immature. Great parents you've got there. If you don't have the means to buy some, I suggest asking a friend to bring you some, or maybe take your parents', if only for revenge.

tdishy 0

It's hilarious. What a funny way to punish your child. Is this too creative for you?

53- Actually it will backlash on you when you're the one having to deal with the smell in the house.

53 - actually it's a dick way to punish them because then all of their peers are to think they are nasty for smelling. And the people that don't know the kid's parents are punishing them will just think they are one of the gross people who don't wear deodorant and smell terrible.

So making your child feel embarrassed in front of friends, teachers, strangers, family members and everyone they come into contact with is a suitable punishment for them if they struggle academically? Wow.

BubbleGrunge 18

Not everyone has sweating problems, and not everyone wears deodorant anyway. Some people cant wear deodorant anyway.There's ways around this punishment and to make the best of it! Less physical and more showers. Personally, it's quite creative. It not like they are abusing their child, they simply said no deodorant. Time for OP to get creative to smell good! And, she gets to keep all her electronics! I'd take this punishment!

Whats going to happen if you fail exams? Be very afraid.

ddeathbombb 5
XxMoonShadowxX 0

you dont need deodorant if you wash yourself properly and keep a face towel for sweat and stuff, seriously im 13 and i know this -.- sozz bout the negativity but... yea... just use scented soap or something

tdishy 0

Haha, exactly not everyone is the same. This person is 13 years old and is trying to give some helpful advise. Personally at 13 I hardly wore deodorant because I didn't sweat or smell and I live in Phoenix. So telling them they should know this by now is rude and ridiculous. You should know that at 13, not everyone sweats like you. Give them a break.

Funny. A pre-pubescent child giving deodorant advice.

When traditional punishments don't work, creativity usually gets the message across. Plus they get the bonus of getting the grounding in because who wants to leave the house if they are self conscious?

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Yeah, psychological scars, that'll learn em.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29
VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

To think that a day has come when a kid has to smuggle in deodorant like it's drugs. Your parents are total douchenozzles.

perdix 29

If the OP fails her math test, maybe her parents will take away her douchenozzle for a week, thus compounding her stench issues.

I want to be appaulled, but I can't help but respect the evil genius of it.

Maybe they're in the uk were they put u's in everything haha

If everyone knows, then you have an excuse if you start to smell.

How is that relevant? Seems counter productive. Maybe if you're smelly no one will want you around and you will have more study time?

How is it counter productive then?