By sockmonkey - 01/05/2012 02:21 - United States - Corona

Today, my parents decided on my punishment for failing an English test. No deodorant for a week. They think they're so hilarious, they told all their friends, and now it's all over Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 777
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

daisyismydog 3

You can just take a bunch of showers or buy your own deoderant. Problem diverted.

Well isn't it nice when parents act like immature teens. FYL OP!


Take tons of showers, USE ALL THE HOT WATER! and hide their various cosmetics

hpdrew15 9

I would suggest not failing anymore English tests!

I am pretty sure foster parents are REQUIRED to give their foster children deodorant... therefore... what they are doing may be considered a form of abuse....

What the hell kind of punishment is that?!

How's that a punishment to YOU? I think the people who have to smell you (your parents, friends, etc) would be the ones punished! Your parents are obviously idiots, or like to smell sweaty arm pits.

OP, you see to have a decent grasp of English; better than most people I know. How did you fail?

buy a deodorant and hide it, or do you live in a small town where they told the shopkeeper not to sell you any ?

I hate English and school and tests and grades and teachers... But that's reduculous