By sockmonkey - 01/05/2012 02:21 - United States - Corona

Today, my parents decided on my punishment for failing an English test. No deodorant for a week. They think they're so hilarious, they told all their friends, and now it's all over Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 777
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

daisyismydog 3

You can just take a bunch of showers or buy your own deoderant. Problem diverted.

Well isn't it nice when parents act like immature teens. FYL OP!


Wow, that is quite a creative punishment but I feel for you OP, it isn't like you did anything bad. People can fail tests for all kinds of reasons, unless you didn't bother at all I don't see why you should be punished. Anyway, I can help you out, try using baking soda, or lemon juice. apple cider vinegar, rubbing alcohol, virtually anything that will kill bacteria

You can't go buy a stick of deodorant yourself?

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

I'm guessing if the parents still have the power to punish her, she's not old enough to have her own means of transportation and income. *Shit, just realized like 5 other people said the same thing. This applies to all of you!!

use talcum powder, doesn't make you smell nice but it stops you from smelling bad lol.

Don't you have some cheap perfume? Perfume was the first kind of deodorant.

tdishy 0

Perfume mixed with sweat and body odor does not smell good. It smells like a sweaty "exotic" dancer. Perfume has nothing in it to kill bacteria, so it can't mask the smell it just makes your sweat smell fruitier.

I wonder how it can help you with your test by their opinion:)

...but you failed...why must those around you suffer too?! ick.

stash01 0

Now that's good parenting! Everyone should live by their example. * I really hope you realise this is sarcasm

drarmstrong 8

Visit your school nurse in the morning and explain what your parents did. They will almost surely have some or the gym teacher will. So sorry your parents are abusive asses who enjoy humiliating you

Way to go stinkey.....or is it....stinky...yeah, that's it. If you are in marching band, at least you will have a better name than "short girl with the big ****"....

perdix 29

Do your parents mean no deodorant for you or for them? Everyone seems to assume it's no deodorant for the OP, when it could be cruel olfactory torture for the parents to go without. Think of the old person smell that would arise tinged by hints of sex and yard work. It borders on abuse.