By sockmonkey - 01/05/2012 02:21 - United States - Corona

Today, my parents decided on my punishment for failing an English test. No deodorant for a week. They think they're so hilarious, they told all their friends, and now it's all over Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 777
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

daisyismydog 3

You can just take a bunch of showers or buy your own deoderant. Problem diverted.

Well isn't it nice when parents act like immature teens. FYL OP!


skyeyez9 24

Get a friend from school to give you an extra deodorant stick. Use it as soon as you get to school. Ask a teacher, school nurse if they can give you one..etc

for the record, this is abuse. parents should not be bullies.

In what way is not giving your child deodorant abuse? It's not like it causes them any physical harm.

Nemle22 4

No it's not. And instead of putting blame on the parent...put blame on the OP for failing his test. That's what's wrong with people now days. Parents can't raise children without fear of some idiot screaming abuse.

This is what parents resort to when spanking gets them arrested. Sad sad world...

poohappens26 0

Tell her she isn't getting a mothers day gift

You get punished for failing a test? Your parents are ******* arseholes.

Yeah, because it's so horrible to want your child to succeed in school.

Yeah, because punishing them when they struggle is so much more effective than getting them tutoring or asking their teachers to give them extra help...

hateevryone 14

What type of punishment i that? No deodorant for a week? Really?

I sweat so little in my pits that I could go at least 5 days without smelling there, though I still put it on in case I have to do anything strenuous