By wife of a shithead - 06/07/2012 17:44 - Norway - Oslo

Today, my over-protective husband went into an extreme fit of jealousy at the sight of me breast-feeding our newborn baby boy. He's trying to make me bottle-feed our boy, because apparently it's "wrong" to let another guy touch my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 382
You deserved it 4 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

its your kid . tell him to get over it , you're the one that had the baby and not him .

Somehow I think he's either the stupidest guy on earth or he's joking.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This is so baffling and insane it's bordering on being just plain sad. What a silly little man, stomping down Alpha Male territory on an infant. I know a good number of men get jealousy issues after a child is born and it's understandable because suddenly the baby is top priority to their partner and they feel they're just there pumping in money to the child and feel otherwise useless and overlooked and that their needs are often not met. But of all the completely insane ways to express this, trying to ban the baby from breast-feeding has to be one of the most ridiculous. Jesus, what happened to appropriate communication?

I just want to point out that fits of extreme jealousy are a big warning sign of a potential abusive relationship. I'd get out now.

I hope you've made this up in an attempt to be funny.. If not, leave, seriously, leave. My husband and me also have a newborn baby, and my husband would bleed himself dry for that little boy. Your husband sounds mentally unstable in so many ways, and if you want your kid to have any chance in life, you leave before it's too late.

He's not overprotective my dear, it sounds like he's uneducated, misinformed, and his harboring some deep rooted issues. Sounds scary especially over something so natural. Hate to see what an actually jealousy fit is like..

That makes no sense and is kind of strange... I hope he's joking or something...

talloctopus 7

What an ass. I swear some people are dumber than shit.

I have never heard of a husband that was jealous of his newborn baby.

I'm sorry you had a child with a ******* idiot. FYL for sure.