By wife of a shithead - 06/07/2012 17:44 - Norway - Oslo

Today, my over-protective husband went into an extreme fit of jealousy at the sight of me breast-feeding our newborn baby boy. He's trying to make me bottle-feed our boy, because apparently it's "wrong" to let another guy touch my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 382
You deserved it 4 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

its your kid . tell him to get over it , you're the one that had the baby and not him .

Somehow I think he's either the stupidest guy on earth or he's joking.


Holy shit, seriously? The kid - HIS kid - is eating, FFS, he's not some stranger copping a feel down at the pub.

Jealous? I would add insecure to that as well...I'm sorry that some people r like that to that extreme, I do agree that counseling is a really good step cause it's just going to get worse, trust me, I was just like him:(

Try to give him the opportunity to bond with the child by letting him feed him/her. And just so you know, your hubby needs lots of help. Therapy is in the near future. Sorry OP.

This is what happens when we let guidos breed... God only knows what snooki and her baby are going to be like.

day624 14

Uh.. Jealous of a newborn being fed by his mother.. Yup the man has serious issues

How ignorant...jealous of his own child.

Wow, he needs to listen to some motivational tapes if he doesn't think his machismo can stand up to that of a baby.

Akala_fml 11

Did you tell him to grow up?

Remind him that sharing is caring and if he doesn't man up he's getting a time out..on the couch..for a week...with no warm milk before before bed