By wife of a shithead - 06/07/2012 17:44 - Norway - Oslo

Today, my over-protective husband went into an extreme fit of jealousy at the sight of me breast-feeding our newborn baby boy. He's trying to make me bottle-feed our boy, because apparently it's "wrong" to let another guy touch my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 382
You deserved it 4 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

its your kid . tell him to get over it , you're the one that had the baby and not him .

Somehow I think he's either the stupidest guy on earth or he's joking.


...can't tell if trolling or actually stupid

YDI Why would you stay with such a crazy? Once the shit goes down!, time to move on into survival mode! RUN, RUN FAR!!!

You're in for a long hard road if you stay with this guy.

i think your baby's daddy is scary and i would leave the idiot! the red flag is up....take note!

goaliegrl17 0