By wife of a shithead - 06/07/2012 17:44 - Norway - Oslo

Today, my over-protective husband went into an extreme fit of jealousy at the sight of me breast-feeding our newborn baby boy. He's trying to make me bottle-feed our boy, because apparently it's "wrong" to let another guy touch my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 382
You deserved it 4 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

its your kid . tell him to get over it , you're the one that had the baby and not him .

Somehow I think he's either the stupidest guy on earth or he's joking.


pablopoo 7

Realy i dont think he has problems he just is realy jealous and wants her for himself alot and honestly i dont want my baby taken my wifes jugs away from me either

If that's true then you have issues. We are talking about THEIR BABY, and the wife is doing what's natural for their baby!

skyeyez9 24

Dont ever have kids then. Children are not objects and they require alot of Time and sacrifice to raise. There is no reason to be jealous of a newborn. Grow up!

bobbers123 0

either hes joking and your retarded for thinking hes seirous or ur just lieing

Tell him to stfu and man up! Its the best thing you could do for your child and he has no right to take it away!

Wasn't this something you discussed at all while you were pregnant? Your husband should have been expecting it. That aside, FYL for having a baby with a douche!

It's called controlling and abusive, not "overprotective." Call it what it is, then get out. There is nothing protective at all about this sort of behavior and chances are he has a potential for violence. You are a mom now, and your child should be your top priority. If he can't see that he is being irrational and/or is unwilling to get help you need to think about your son's best interest.

thereseg69 7

You get what you settle for. Good luck!

Your husband is an idiot...and a little perverted to equate breast feeding as something sexual.

onorexveritas 23