By DanniRae - 13/03/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, my mom was helping me clean out stuff from college. She opened a box and took out some anal beads I got as a gag gift. She asked, "What are these?" I answered, "They are for massaging your back". She then insisted I show her. I massaged my mother with anal beads. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 319
You deserved it 70 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aslong as they were unused its not that bad ;P

Xyrian 0

This sounds suspiciously familiar to American Wedding, which also happened to be on television last night, go figure.


nat66623 0

That's like in American Wedding where the mom finds them and she's using them as a neck massager!

love4animals 0

Well it's obvious you got the most for your purchase there.

Did she find it pleasurable? Hah, kidding. Must have been awkward. Better than being like, "Oh, well these are anal beads". Mom: "What? how do you use them?"

kellster 2

You could try honesty next time. Just a thought. Also, "gag gift", really??? That's not transparent at all. Right up there with "your friend's" anal beads, lol. #10 - how old are you, 12?

That's just wrong on SO many different levels XD

How hard would it be to explain the gag gift?

Bertlovesearnie 0

Today, I was helping my daughter unpack and i saw a sex toy and asked what it was for an explanation. she rubbed anal beads on me and massaged me with them. FML

Kudos for going through with the lie, but needless to say; I hope I never meet you after learning something like that.