By DanniRae - 13/03/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, my mom was helping me clean out stuff from college. She opened a box and took out some anal beads I got as a gag gift. She asked, "What are these?" I answered, "They are for massaging your back". She then insisted I show her. I massaged my mother with anal beads. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 319
You deserved it 70 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aslong as they were unused its not that bad ;P

Xyrian 0

This sounds suspiciously familiar to American Wedding, which also happened to be on television last night, go figure.


mylifeisfuckeddd 0

HAHA can u imagine is your mom really knew what they were and she was just doing it to play with you and was expecting you to crack. can you imagine what HER fml would be like?

girlieD86 0
kicknpirate10 0

bahaha. i hope she never realizes what those really were.


cornflake33 0

lol i would have told my mom what they were....and how i had gotten them.....she would have gotten a kick out of of it....

emoo1237 0

lol yeah, it's like American Wedding

candiigirl456 0

wat r anal beads. sorry i seriously dnt kno

#17 and #20: The show was Aliens In America.

she probablyyy knows what they are and was laughing at you the whole time. my mom used to do that. i would tell her i was going to my friends and would go sleep at a guys house or go to a party or something. i thought she never knew, she tellls me now that she does.

i call bullsh*t on this one, it's from American Wedding