By TSampson - 11/06/2009 11:51 - United States

Today, my mom's will was read to the rest of the family. I helped my mom write it a couple years ago, and I was to get funds to pay off school loans. She revised it and put in a note saying I was to get nothing because I was "lazy." The executor read it out loud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 098
You deserved it 11 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your mom's a b*tch. piss on her grave. she didn't even have the decency to be open with you about her feelings, which could have led to a mutual understanding of each other's beliefs and values. no, instead she acted behind your back, and let your entire family know without any regard for you. that's immature, spiteful, malicious and the indications of a bad person. personally, i respect that other people's opinions on gay rights differ, and people have a right to their opinions, but the way she dealt with the difference in opinion is messed. what an awful mother.


Shawalt 0

I'm sorry. :( I hope you're okay...

heyyou1203 0

I know you must be going through a tough time, losing a parent is never easy no matter what your relationship was. Not only does it suck that you don't get any $ to pay off your loans, but having your whole family know that you're gay is awful, too. While coming out to your family can be very rewarding, it should be done when you're ready. I can only hope that the rest of your family sees the errors in your mom's ways and can accept you and maybe even help you out w/ your loans.

Ugh, reading about ignorance is painful. Hope everything works out for you, and sorry for your loss (even if she didn't understand you).

#25: "An executor, in the broadest sense, is one who carries something out (in other words, one who is responsible for executing a task)." As in, the guy responsible for making sure the will is carried out... /facepalm

Hooooooly shiiiiiiiiiit, that is messed up, feel for you man =(

Make out with your boyfriend on her grave >=| seriously, what a bitch. : and I agreeee with #24

Ouch, so not only did you not get the money to pay off your loans, but you were outed to your entire family. that's quite a shove out of the closet... And what a bad last memory of your mom :(

Turnip_Girl 0

Oh, that must have been awful. I'm so sorry. :(

#25: No. The executor (ex-EK-yoo-tor) of a will is the person in charge of making sure all of the deceased's wishes are carried out. S/he also ensures any remaining debts are paid before the estate is divided. [Edit] Ninja'd by #36 :(