By mandybar15 - 14/12/2012 23:52 - United States - Norman

Today, my husband and I sat our 10-year-old daughter down for a chat over her recent cursing. When my husband asked where she'd heard the words, she "innocently" replied, "from mommy's other boyfriend." He took her seriously, accused me of cheating, and hasn't been home since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 240
You deserved it 6 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Airman1988 9

You may have an manipulative genius on your hands.

chrissy2 28

I feel like someone wants mommy out of the house.


That's when you made her pick her own switch, took everything but the bare necessities from her, and made her contact her father to confess she's a lying little twat right? And you should stick her in therapy of some sort. Just to make sure you have all grounds covered.

WTF IS WRONG WITH 10 yr olds these days :s I'm sorry for you OP

#39 Don't be sorry for OP, she's the one that raised the little shit.

pinkpanther61789 15

Op should do what my mom did to me. Take her down to the courthouse and make her a ward of the state for a few months. That aughta teach the little **** to appreciate and respect her parents

clue_me_in 20

Wow. I hope your husband comes to his senses and believes you when/if he comes back. No presents for one little (evil) girl this year...

I feel like this would be the most effective punishment. That would HURT to get no gifts.

no presents for telling a lie? omg. its not her fault her husband beleived it.

TallMist 32

#132 But it IS the little girl's fault she said anything at all.

aj9090 9

you need to nip that shit in the bid now. that kid is just gonna get worse...

perdix 29

YDI for introducing your kid to your other boyfriend. You gotta keep that shit secret! daughter told me to stop talking to the waitress....she said daddy you no talk to girls.....needless to say I've had my then 4yr old daughter understand that someone had to order the food or we don't eat.

CNN did a special on quotes and many thought that quote came from the bible as did i but its not in the bible