By Anonymous - 06/12/2011 02:31 - United States

Today, my husband and I got into an argument. I tried to assault him with a laptop. He yelled, "Don't hit me with the computer." My apartment neighbor yelled through the wall, "Do what you gotta do, girl." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 689
You deserved it 46 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're on here bragging that you almost hit your husband with a laptop? Get some help, please.

If it was the guy hitting his wife with a laptop the comments would be much different


ImafukNskittleYO 4

Awesome eavesdropping neighbor there OP.

rofflewaffle 9

If the gender roles were reversed, the first 30 comments would be "omg leave him!! Put that asshole in jail!" There is a huge double-standard, and it sickens me. This crazy bitch OP is no better than a man that smacks his wife, and society needs to see it that way.

You tried to assault him with a laptop? The ****? Jesus, women, you're a crazy insane bitch!

Cambria91 4

if this was just an argument i wonder what a fight would be. I think when u start hitting your partner with anything its time to call it quits or get therapy. And who the hell posts something like that... Maybe if u and your hubby could act like civilized people u wouldnt have to worry about your neighbor hearing.

unixdude 9

The best part is that hubby could claim self defense and kill the dumb bitch.

ohmyhotdogonabun 0

The last part about the neighbor is actually kinda funny

I like how you drop in "I tried to assault him with a laptop" as if that's the height of normalcy.

I'd just like to point out that the mass majority of serial killers/rapists/criminals are men, acts that are not necessarily what one would consider sane if you ask me. I have nothing against men as a whole but since were over-generalizing and throwing out misogynistic remarks here might as well.