By Anonymous - 06/12/2011 02:31 - United States

Today, my husband and I got into an argument. I tried to assault him with a laptop. He yelled, "Don't hit me with the computer." My apartment neighbor yelled through the wall, "Do what you gotta do, girl." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 689
You deserved it 46 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're on here bragging that you almost hit your husband with a laptop? Get some help, please.

If it was the guy hitting his wife with a laptop the comments would be much different


Tonka_Cookie 10

So domestic violence is OK if the woman is the one hitting, right?

tucansam555 3

Why the **** would you hit him with a computer...

anyone else thinking that if he heard that through the walls, what else has he listened to..?

miZscrZee 0

This leads to an abusive relationship..//8

moviegirl6 5

I'm sorry but just visualizing this is quite amusing. Definitely not right, but still amusing.

I'm guessing you're one of those people who would call the cops if someone mentioned they wanted to hit you, yet you feel completely justified in assaulting someone else?

Girl, you deserve to get thrown out by him and sued.

Why ruin your laptop? Just punch him in the face..