By Anonymous - 06/12/2011 02:31 - United States

Today, my husband and I got into an argument. I tried to assault him with a laptop. He yelled, "Don't hit me with the computer." My apartment neighbor yelled through the wall, "Do what you gotta do, girl." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 689
You deserved it 46 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're on here bragging that you almost hit your husband with a laptop? Get some help, please.

If it was the guy hitting his wife with a laptop the comments would be much different


EvilDave 13

Look at all the hypocrites who think domestic violence is OK as long as it is the woman hitting the man. OP, what you deserve is to be in jail.

hyrax77 0

When I was 12 my dad was beat with a computer monitor by his girlfriend at the time. She pulled his earring out and made him bleed. What happen to her? Nothing. My dad spent a night in jail because he was abused by a girl. The fight started because he reminded her to take her bi polar medicine.

quit saying YDI how do u kno they didnt mean it as self defense but forgot to type that? how do u kno if they r a girl? how do u kno that she wasn't actually gonna hurt him? U DONT KNO THE CIRCUMSTANCES SO STFU!

Struggs 2

You're getting too angry over this post.

If she was a dude and he was a girl this would be tottaly diffrent

sweettpie129 11
rexgar2000 10

that's ******* hilarious. I pictured it and just made my day.