By Michelle - 20/02/2011 17:45 - United States

Today, my cat tried to kill me. While I was sleeping, he put his paws on either side of my face and laid down, covering my nose and mouth. While I was struggling to free myself, I could hear my sister laughing next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 100
You deserved it 4 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DaleksAreEpic 0

I bet your cat is secretly a hired assassin.


GreeneyedWonder 0

Guys, his sister could be next to his bed, not necessarily in the bed with him. As in standing there. Or maybe they share a room. Or maybe she put the cat on his face. Dear goodness, please don't ALWAYS assume it has to be incest...

skyeyez9 24

Why were you struggling to get a cat which probably weighs a whole 11lbs off of you? It's not like you had a pet 400 lb lion on you.

ohh how little we know :D all cats are really vicious murderers :D their happy and fluffy exterior is just their camouflage, which they use to indirectly make us believe that they are happy and fun-loving creatures :D

MehSuperiorStyle 1

I'm sorry but that's hilarious.

pinkballoon 0
bringonthebling 0

I understand why your sister laughed. I thought about it, and lol'd.

koolkat27 13

the cat probably just wanted affection or to cuddle. I don't get how people can be so weird and hate cats, they're the best type of pet to have, not too clingy like a dog, but cuddly.