By Michelle - 20/02/2011 17:45 - United States

Today, my cat tried to kill me. While I was sleeping, he put his paws on either side of my face and laid down, covering my nose and mouth. While I was struggling to free myself, I could hear my sister laughing next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 100
You deserved it 4 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DaleksAreEpic 0

I bet your cat is secretly a hired assassin.


@62 I personally don't favor cats or dogs but saying that a cat is useless is just down right horrible. to hate a whole type of animal is kind of like saying that you hate a whole race of humans. also, saying he should give up on life means you're encouraging suicide? shame on you. p.s. bahahaha op this made my day :) I want ur cat

Kelsey103 0

I laughed so hard at this! Haahahahahahah "today, my cat tried to kill me" aha geez, man.

saadiq 0
TCoop1515 0

why was your sister next to you while you were sleeping....?

Mylaughinplace 0

Am I the only one wondering why your sister was sleeping next to you?

its not that big of a deal, i don't know why everyones asking that they could actually just sleep together because of lack of beds, sometimes sisters sleep together when they visit each other, or they could be sleeping in the same room in different beds.

AkaChocolate 4

You are a dumb SOB just stand-up

its not that big of a deal, i don't know why everyones asking that they could actually just sleep together because of lack of beds, sometimes sisters sleep together when they visit each other, or they could be sleeping in the same room in different beds.