By Michelle - 20/02/2011 17:45 - United States

Today, my cat tried to kill me. While I was sleeping, he put his paws on either side of my face and laid down, covering my nose and mouth. While I was struggling to free myself, I could hear my sister laughing next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 100
You deserved it 4 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DaleksAreEpic 0

I bet your cat is secretly a hired assassin.


Struggling to free yourself? Your cat can't weigh that much.

not only is your cat evil, but your sister is psychotic.

That's what cats do when they think you're sad and wanna comfort you, op. Their mum does it to them. Either that or it was hungry and you were having a sleep in and it was sick of meowing.

popo6484 3

Cats have a tendancy to do that... I like to snuggle and all but before my cat died he did that to me all the time, this kind of reminds me of him

Your sister might have put the cat there, just a thought

and you couldn't lift the cat off your face?