By fmll - 17/12/2011 13:17 - Norway

Today, my boyfriend texted me and said I had forgotten my blue bra. I don't have any blue bras. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 564
You deserved it 3 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

Well he'll sure have blue balls now

iSnortWaffles 7

It could be from someone else in his family.


Someone's busted! Unless its his mom's or sisters' or something

felah17 6

Dump his ass, along with your blue bra!

hateevryone 14

time to do some investigating

polkadot3155 6

maybe he did the laundry and washed your white bra with dark jeans.. men.. smh.

That's because it's at your boyfriends.

kabbyswartz 0

You also don't have any grammar.

FML? Not to sound mean, but that shouldn't be your first response. xD Does he have roommates, or live with his family? It could be a roommates, a roommates girlfriend's, or his sister's or his mother's. Or maybe a guy friend of his dresses in ladies undergarments. Or maybe you just forgot the bra was there if it's been there for awhile. Jumping immediately to the conclusion that he's cheating on you is ridiculous. Whatever happened to logic?

rockvixen 0

maybe he's color blind. my husband cant tell green and blue apart

moomoomeow2 7