By fmll - 17/12/2011 13:17 - Norway

Today, my boyfriend texted me and said I had forgotten my blue bra. I don't have any blue bras. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 564
You deserved it 3 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

Well he'll sure have blue balls now

iSnortWaffles 7

It could be from someone else in his family.


Allie4sure 1

look at the bra size first and then if its not ur size be like this isn't mine are you cheating on me and see wut he says

My dick head ex said the same thing only with my panties. But then he adnitted he thought he texted my sister instead of me.

My dick head ex said the same thing only with my panties. But then he adnitted he thought he texted my sister instead of me.

They asked if he lived alone. Why is that dumb? He might live alone in an apartment. Or he might live in a house with his family. That could make a big difference. If he lived alone... Then you wouldn't be able to consider it being other family members bra.

s1ckpup 0

ohh so i left my bra at his house? I knew i left it somewhere :-x

Poser1337 5

It's your "boyfriend" -- He's a guy. What did you expect?

Depends on what he defines as blue... Indigo, violet, sky blue turquoise... May all be mistaken as blue... To some people even purple is blue.

nikefan201 0

obviously you dont have a blue bra. you left it his house