By fmll - 17/12/2011 13:17 - Norway

Today, my boyfriend texted me and said I had forgotten my blue bra. I don't have any blue bras. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 564
You deserved it 3 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

Well he'll sure have blue balls now

iSnortWaffles 7

It could be from someone else in his family.


DaMan25 4

Obviously you don't you lost it at his house when he was cheating on you don't you remember?

And there's your sign!!... To break up with him lol

AzNxS3nSaT1oN 0

Of course you don't,it's at his house.

laxbro182 1

Yes you do! It's just at his house

Maybe OP's boyfriend is colour blind and it looked blue to him?

UrCapsLockOn 12

Actually YDI for not having a blue bra ... blue is the next black .... or i just like it alot

UrCapsLockOn 12

Actually YDI for not having a blue bra ... blue is the next black .... or i just like it alot