By Emily - 03/01/2013 06:42 - United States - Arlington

Today, my boyfriend of four years broke up with me by writing on my bathroom mirror in Sharpie. What did he write? "Hi, I'm Emily. I'm fat, ugly, and now single." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 110
You deserved it 4 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....and better off without my douchebag of a boyfriend."

I'm sorry OP, that was so mean. You should go over to his house and key the equivalent into his car.


That's when you hit his car with spray paint "Tiny Dick" HA

Obey_StudBoii 23

The hell with what he says. Your beautiful no matter what.

hateevryone 14

He's a douchbag honey. Don't trip. You're beautiful.

brierpoop 4

I don't understand how you would deserve this. REGARDLESS of what you did, NO girl should be broken up with that way. That's just terrible.

Well. He was being a real ass. Get that mirror off your bathroom, get a new one, love yourself and move on.

You're better off without him, OP. He has to be a complete asshole. No girl deserves getting dumped like that.

skyeyez9 24

I am sure you are a beautiful girl! Your ex bf is a dick. If a guy wants to break up, why do they have to be so cruel about it? He is a heartless douchebag. That sentence on your mirror shows he has no conscience, cares nothing about your feelings, or about women in general. He wrote those hateful words in a difficult to remove marker to make you look at those ugly words even longer as you try and remove them. That is just cold! I say good riddance! I say post his name, pic, address online everywhere to warn other potential girls to stay the **** away.