By Emily - 03/01/2013 06:42 - United States - Arlington

Today, my boyfriend of four years broke up with me by writing on my bathroom mirror in Sharpie. What did he write? "Hi, I'm Emily. I'm fat, ugly, and now single." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 110
You deserved it 4 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....and better off without my douchebag of a boyfriend."

I'm sorry OP, that was so mean. You should go over to his house and key the equivalent into his car.


perdix 29

It must have been difficult dating a guy named Emily. Especially, when that is your name, too.

perdix 29

Plus, he has self-esteem issues! You're probably better off without him. Next time, find a guy with a man's name like Chris, Pat, Sandy or Shelly.

Your probably none of these things... He just couldn't man up and tell u face to face

perdix 29

#78, she is certainly single. The ex-bf is batting at least .333 which is really solid in the Majors.

He's a dickless idiot. I'd spray paint what a wanker he is on his car

That guy has a serious hate on for you. Four years of being together, I feel as if you are leaving out pertinent information. He's still an asshole but I need more information. Such as; Why would he do something so out of character? (4 years and nothing like this before, right?)

This is funny to me, especially considering that I wrote a sarcastic "Thank you" in sharpie on a guys mirror after repeatedly telling him no and calling a taxi to take me home instead.

Very different situations. This is her boyfriend of four years hurting her feelings in permanent marker. And you're a bitch for finding it funny. .

That's what happens when you date a 4-year-old. They're not mature.

Horrible you're better off without him. Not to mention he doesn't even have the decency to break up with ya face to face. Not worth it

manasstalker 7

They've been together for 4 years she might not be entirely innocent in the whole matter....Still though what a petty and childish way to end it.

I have to admit it makes me wonder what you've done to make him hate you so much. But yeah that's a horrible immature way to break up with someone.

SayPeanuts 29

I agree. There's two sides to every story and we only know Emilys. Then again the ex-boyfriend could just be a ********. I guess we'll never know.

I'd take a picture of that and put it all over the Internet with his name as the author. That way you could warn all the ladies what an asshole he is. Might save a few broken hearts.