By Emily - 03/01/2013 06:42 - United States - Arlington

Today, my boyfriend of four years broke up with me by writing on my bathroom mirror in Sharpie. What did he write? "Hi, I'm Emily. I'm fat, ugly, and now single." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 110
You deserved it 4 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....and better off without my douchebag of a boyfriend."

I'm sorry OP, that was so mean. You should go over to his house and key the equivalent into his car.


What an asshole, you're better off without him!

Your better off without him anyway of he thinks that low of you xxx

Ya know, its asshats like that that make me weep for the next generation....

Emily is a beautiful name. What a douchebag.

Has anyone thought that maybe she deserved it?

And this is when you write on his windshield "I'm (insert idiot ex's name here). I'm a douchebag, a coward, and now broke" How is he broke you ask? Well someone's gonna have to replace his flat tires if he plans getting around anywhere in his car. Not to mention a new paint job, new side mirrors, and new side windows... Just sayin'