By Emily - 03/01/2013 06:42 - United States - Arlington

Today, my boyfriend of four years broke up with me by writing on my bathroom mirror in Sharpie. What did he write? "Hi, I'm Emily. I'm fat, ugly, and now single." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 110
You deserved it 4 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....and better off without my douchebag of a boyfriend."

I'm sorry OP, that was so mean. You should go over to his house and key the equivalent into his car.


1dvs_bstd 41

This is one of the areas where an all out violence can be condoned! Someone needs to school that total waste of life how to be polite and courteous! FYL

emilybrooke02 12

Holy crap this scared me! My name is Emily and I've been with my bf for four years now and we are on the verge of breaking up. I was like is he breaking up with me over FML! O.o

jablome 6

We don't have to ask if you're a douchebag #47.

Just to be safe maybe you should break up, mutually, with him first?..

Wow, not only is he a coward, but a viciously mean one at that. I know it's easy to say but time will come when you'll be relieved not to have such a waste of space in your life. Take heart, OP.

He sounds like a real douche. You're better off without him if he's that rude.

Ouch that's really hurtful. You're getter off with out him. What a douche.

I don't see a problem. His message was concise and even provided visual evidence.