By Anonymous - 03/07/2011 16:21 - United States

Today, my boss fired me for dating a co-worker. There's no policy forbidding it; he just thought it was unfair that I could get with the "hottest girl who works here" but he can't. I live in an at-will employment state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 647
You deserved it 3 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musicalmaggs 0

damn, at least you got the girl.

heartbrakej 0


taryn0108 0
killab420 0

WTF? they're ALL 'at will' employment states. I think what you meant to say was a 'right to work' state.

pr1mo 0

he screwed u cuz u screwed her lol

sonofkarma 5

At least you're the one still dating the hot girl

I don't see how him getting the girl is going to pay the bills.

Chrispayne 4

Before you go pay up the money for a lawyer check out company policy. Contact HR asking for a copy of the policy. Most companies do have policy's against this when,one supervises the other. Have u checked for a policy or just saying this?

As an employer it is still extremely difficult to successfully defend an at-will claim. Consult an employment attorney.

Most business' have a policy. I'm pretty sure there is a policy forbidding it at your work. There has been bad instances of co-workers dating, it can be unprofessional, you're there to work, not date. Sure, some co-workers have gotten married, but it's never a good idea. I once dated a co-worker and he ended up getting fired for it, and I got demoted, I had to regain trust and work harder to get promoted again. Your boss just did you a major favour.

doesn't matter if it's an at will state, you can still 1. draw unemployment 2. sue for wrongful termination.

that isn't a legit reason to fire, get unemployment

haha! you're boss must be the biggest loser!