By Anonymous - 03/07/2011 16:21 - United States

Today, my boss fired me for dating a co-worker. There's no policy forbidding it; he just thought it was unfair that I could get with the "hottest girl who works here" but he can't. I live in an at-will employment state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 647
You deserved it 3 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musicalmaggs 0

damn, at least you got the girl.

heartbrakej 0


if he didn't follow the company's termination policy, look it up chances are there had to be written notices that you had to sign off on for an actual offense not a presumed one, then he had no legal grounds to terminate you even in an at-will state. also it is in fact a form of discrimination an employer cannot fire you for a relationship with someone if it is not expressly prohibited in company policies. go over his head and take it to his boss, you need to contact a lawyer that's my professional opinion.

just screw your girl on his desk, then check with a lawyer if you can sue.

Suburban_Dude 0

In the end, he can still afford the nice Brooks Brothers Suits, while you pay for the Broad. Love is not an easy game to play.

u can at least get unemployment easy with that.

flawedgenius 6

Until reading other post respondents here, had no idea what an "at will" employment state is.. sounds like the legislators have been douchey writing in to the statute books some crap. And had anyone thought that the workrer got the gitl because she used it as a defence move against her b(their) boss?

flawedgenius 6

Until reading other post respondents here, had no idea what an "at will" employment state is.. sounds like the legislators have been douchey writing in to the statute books some crap. And had anyone thought that the worker got the girl because she used it as a defence move against her (their) boss?

flawedgenius 6

(apologies for duplicate comment above, browser was acting funny)

Wow, that boss of yours must be one sexually frustrated virgin ha ha!

Go and take your story to the news media. They will eat this up with a spoon. You will be a (local) god.