By kufan1324 - 05/06/2012 03:47 - United States

Today, my boss became obsessed with a movie about a pimp. He now refers to all my female coworkers as his "bitches" and refuses to treat us like human beings. Whenever we make a mistake, he rolls his eyes and laughs, "So typical of a prostie." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 175
You deserved it 3 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheElderTROLLZ 15


dellis44 7

it'd make sense if you worked at a brothel. but since you dont, fyl

I've never heard story filled with such obvious bs, you could at least try to make us think this actually happened.

jrobledo117 2

FML mods can suck my dick! Yeah there I said it you pieces of donkey dick

22cute 17

I would consider making HIM look for a new job. That's a lawsuit waiting for a lawyer. He's crossing all kinds of legal rights lines.

Oceansnipe17 8

That's sexual harassment I'd file a case against him

A pimp?? You should kick him in the kneecap so he can have that signature pimp walk, too.

Anai08 17

So your boss likes his jokes, eh? You should tell the people in your HR department his jokes, I'm sure they'd find them real funny...

That's something I'd bring up with human resources. If nothing comes of that I'd talk to a lawyer or ACLU or OSHA or something.