By kufan1324 - 05/06/2012 03:47 - United States

Today, my boss became obsessed with a movie about a pimp. He now refers to all my female coworkers as his "bitches" and refuses to treat us like human beings. Whenever we make a mistake, he rolls his eyes and laughs, "So typical of a prostie." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 175
You deserved it 3 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheElderTROLLZ 15


Only when taken out of context. Sure, the law would see it that way I suppose, so I have to concede the point.

It seems like no one has suggested talking to the man. Idiot bosses are real and he might be oblivious. OP, email him and save the email and any responses for HR (or for an employment lawyer if it is a small company). If he doesn't stop, go to his boss or HR. I think people should always keep an eye on the job market but there's nothing wrong with trying to improve the job you already have.

You can go to his boss and have him fired. That is called harassment, it is highly disrespectful, and is creating a hostile work environment. If I were you I'd go after his job!

If your job has human resources or he has someone above him? Mention his sexually harassing behavior. If they don't do anything. Most states have some kind of option for sexual harassment cases.

Leadamp 7

Sounds like a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. Perhaps you should point that out.

thiscrazything 1

Bitch slap him..... daily, until he grows up.

I'm sorry, but did you just claim that this if sexual harassment "only if taken out of context?" Can you please explain to me how pretending to be a pimp and referring to your employees as "bitches" and prostitutes is NOT sexual in nature? I mean, you do know what pimps and prostitutes are, right?