By xero_art - 26/06/2009 09:51 - United States

Today, it's my birthday and I received a signed vintage Beatles' album from my wife. Awesome right? It's the same album some jerk way over-bidded me for on eBay. That jerk was my wife, using my credit card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 528
You deserved it 61

Top comments

Ouch, man. At least the album ended up safely in your hands at the end.

Awww. And then at Christmas, you could pawn your heirloom pocket watch so you could buy her some ornate haircombs for her long beautiful hair, and meanwhile, she cuts and sells her hair to buy you a chain for your heirloom pocket watch - what a riot! Oh, Henry, the IRONY!!!


never try to buy yourself something right before your birthday, hope you had a good one

I was really ready to say this was an FML... but YDI for setting your max bid that high anyway. Even if she bid a shitload on it, eBay will only take it as the lowest bid that beats your max.

blankslate 0

wow, uh... Happy Birthday I guess.

k_cool 0

that's not fml, that's a funny story

Well, considering that you were willing to pay a lot of money for that album, you're not ****** because she over-bid on it. You are ****** because she bought YOUR present with YOUR money. Your wife probably buys everything with YOUR money without even consulting you. She probably doesn't even do house work. Am I right? This is definitely a FML because you have a shitty wife.

So do you want to talk about the issues you have with *your* wife?

kiwistrwbry08 0

Just because his wife got him his birthday present with his money doesn't mean that she's a bad wife, or that she doesn't do housework... Some housewives don't have a way to earn money, because they're busy raising kids, but it does still suck that he had to pay for his own present, but you can't assume that he has a shitty wife. At least she knew about something that he'd be interested in, and remembered his birthday. Some people aren't even that lucky. To the OP: I'm sorry that you had to pay for your own present, but at least you know that your wife knows what you like, and that she cares about you. I'm sure it'll make a funny story later. :)

lmmmr 0

You know, most accounts between married couples are JOINT accounts. It was, statistically, most likely her her money too.

but he's the one working hard for the money.

Are you sure? Does he work hard? No, you don't know that. Don't go inventing whole personalities based on one situation. There's a psychological term for that, but I forgot.

Your life is ****** because you have to pay for your own birthday presents. Seriously, unless your wife is a housewife and she doesn't keep her own bank account or cash, that's kinda pathetic

coldplaylive2003 0

The signature is probably fake... They all are on eBay

Why didn't she just use her own credit card?

That's nice of her... She new it would make you happy so she reallybwanted it for you

MeganH0LLYW00D 0

Yeah that's actually really cute. :)