By xero_art - 26/06/2009 09:51 - United States

Today, it's my birthday and I received a signed vintage Beatles' album from my wife. Awesome right? It's the same album some jerk way over-bidded me for on eBay. That jerk was my wife, using my credit card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 528
You deserved it 61

Top comments

Ouch, man. At least the album ended up safely in your hands at the end.

Awww. And then at Christmas, you could pawn your heirloom pocket watch so you could buy her some ornate haircombs for her long beautiful hair, and meanwhile, she cuts and sells her hair to buy you a chain for your heirloom pocket watch - what a riot! Oh, Henry, the IRONY!!!


So what?! She made an effort?! You are a disgrace in human race.

itsnikk10 0
stringoffail 0

I'd say you have a sweet wife who knows you well, but this story has been floating around the internet since ebay first got popular. In academia, we call this plagiarism.

primogen18 0

That's cool she got it for you, but you should have had some idea of if it was her. I guess alot of people don't know their bf/gf/wife/husband's general screen names or online handles, but it can be handy because its how I found out my ex was cheating on me. That's besides the point though, I hope you didn't have to pay for it but at least she was willing to fight for it for you.

This is a fake story but if I is real you are a jerk. Sounds like your wife should have gotten you a divorce for your birthday.

user ids are scrambled on eBay to prevent possible fraud. no way your wife new it was you bidding fro a user I'd and she was just being a awesome person to try and give you something you wanted so be thankful. next time you bid on stuff on eBay tell her about what you're doing.

jackanackanory 0

But if YOU are the one selling the album, then YOU get the money for it. This is a funny coincidence story, not an FML.

BEB131 0

Not FYL.... sure u ended up getting the album for a higher price, but it shows ure wife was really trying to get it for you, and u did get it, so i say everyone wins.