By xero_art - 26/06/2009 09:51 - United States

Today, it's my birthday and I received a signed vintage Beatles' album from my wife. Awesome right? It's the same album some jerk way over-bidded me for on eBay. That jerk was my wife, using my credit card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 528
You deserved it 61

Top comments

Ouch, man. At least the album ended up safely in your hands at the end.

Awww. And then at Christmas, you could pawn your heirloom pocket watch so you could buy her some ornate haircombs for her long beautiful hair, and meanwhile, she cuts and sells her hair to buy you a chain for your heirloom pocket watch - what a riot! Oh, Henry, the IRONY!!!


heatherrrx 0

If you don't want it, I'll take it. :]

failsatlife6 0

i would be grateful for that, no matter how i got it. mmmm beatles

hot_tamale 0

That's just not how eBay works. She couldn't have "way overbid" you for it unless your bid was just under it. Bids get pushed up automatically based on what other people bid. Therefore YDI

iHavetoPiss 0

At least you got it anyway. Sheesh. You were gonna buy it anyway so it doesn't even matter. Ungrateful, the OP is.

notnormal 0

lol that's not an fml, and you still got it anyway. I just think that's hilarious. And your wife is really nice for wanting to get you something special, and clearly knows what you like. Be grateful.

Horurerukul 0

I don't have the time to read all the other comments to check if there are others who said this but.. why isn't there a 'so what' button?

I'm sorry...this really isn't a big deal. If you were so upset that you were outbid, chances are that you would have bid that much anyway.'s your birthday, your wife is in tune with your tastes, and you got the album. And what is the big deal about his wife using the credit card? My mom and dad use each others all the time. Maybe you could ask her to pay you back? There are a lot worse things in the world than this.

just because it's in his name, doesn't mean he's the only one paying on it. They probably only have 1 card so they don't go into debt. stop bitching OP, you're wife was doing something a lot of wives wouldn't. Be thankful.

irishdancer 0

It's the thought that counts?