By xero_art - 26/06/2009 09:51 - United States

Today, it's my birthday and I received a signed vintage Beatles' album from my wife. Awesome right? It's the same album some jerk way over-bidded me for on eBay. That jerk was my wife, using my credit card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 528
You deserved it 61

Top comments

Ouch, man. At least the album ended up safely in your hands at the end.

Awww. And then at Christmas, you could pawn your heirloom pocket watch so you could buy her some ornate haircombs for her long beautiful hair, and meanwhile, she cuts and sells her hair to buy you a chain for your heirloom pocket watch - what a riot! Oh, Henry, the IRONY!!!


tash14 1

Your credit card? Most married couples I know use a joint account. Isn't that part of marriage - sharing things, including bills? Is it your house and car too? If she went through that much trouble to outbid you (not even knowing it was you, since ebay doesn't tell her, she thought she was fighting someone else for it) then it shows she knew how much you wanted it. Sounds like a good thing, stop bitching.

so that beatles albem aws yours>? im bakde

It sucks you could have gotten it for a much cheaper price than your wife paid xP But in her defense, she thought she was fighting a stranger, so her outbidding them by so much shows how badly she wanted to get it for you. The part I don't get was her using your credit card to get a present for you. WTF?! That's just not cool.

Your wife is thoughtful for getting you that album, but for ****'s sake why was she anywhere near your credit card...NEVER LET ANYONE BUT YOURSELF NEAR THE CREDIT CARD!! These kinds of FMLs are going to keep showing up until the death of the universe.

YDI for whining. you have the album, and your wife cares enough to get it for you.

hahaha this is funny.....but hey, she treid hard to get it for you!...and apprently she kicked ur ass on ebay.

Your wife used your money to buy you a birthday present? That's even more shitty than the stupid wine store not letting me buy a gift card for my mom because I'm not 21, and her having to buy it herself (with my money).

You have a lot to be thankful for. Your wife obviously cared about your birthday, knew what you would want, and tried very hard to get it for you. Many people aren't as fortunate. Your wife does not deserve to be called a jerk.

blahdeda 0

yeah your wife shouldn't be called a jerk, she was just trying to get you something you'd love...besides if you're married you pretty much share all your income even if you don't have joint banking. So no matter what, she would have used your money in some sense to pay for your present.. That's what you get for bidding for something nice on ebay, right before your bday, without telling your wife.