By Fresca11 - 29/06/2011 00:51 - United States

Today, I was having dinner with my boyfriend. We'd just got our food when my dad walks in, comes up to our table and says, "I didn't say you could leave, you're too young to be dating him", then drags me out of the restaurant. We are both 15, and it was my first date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 510
You deserved it 14 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make up your mind - was he your boyfriend or was it your first date?

MidnightBlossom 2

Ahhh, young love and first dates.


DocBastard: rubbish. Having dinner is no big deal. It's not like he found them in the back of a car. Yes, she should ask if she can go out. But a good father wouldn't embarrass his kid like that over a dinner. It was her first date - I doubt she's a troublemaker.

15 is too young to be dating. And honestly, if you're a good parent protecting your child, you shouldn't care about something so trivial like embarassing them.

Chosha - the fact is that this child (yes, child) was out to dinner (I don't give a **** if it's McDonald's or the best 4 star restaurant) without her father's knowledge or approval. The age is irrelevant. Whether she's a troublemaker or not is irrelevant. Going behind your parents' back is inexcusable.

Today, my gf's dad walked into our date and dragged her out. FML

That would have been really embarrassing!

whoaitslyssa 0

I would die if my dad I'd that to me. i really hope ur date didn't take it personal ha,

jessamy_brit 5

What, does he want you to date somebody younger than you? Please!!

mollylovesmac 0

scream and say your not my dad!!! kidnapper!!! that'll get him to leave :)

YDI for leaving the house without their permission. They were probably really worried when they realized you were gone.

hebron77 0

Have your dad's permission first. If he doesn't like the idea of you dating someone, try to respectfully explain how you feel. That will go a long ways in getting your parents to listen.

It goes both ways. Firstly... you deserve it if you did not have permission to leave the house and yet you left anyways. You went against the rules so you are gonna be punished for it. You shouldn't of left in the first place... you are 15. You're not grown. You're barely a teenager so suck it up, learn respect, and respect the rules of the house. If you're not permitted to leave... don't leave. He's responsible for you if anything happens to you. But dragging you out in that manner was a bit overboard. Could have calmly taken you out of there... then out of public eye could have scolded you. But initially... YDI for thinking you're grown when you're not.

I doubt he literally dragged her out of the restaurant. He probably just made her leave and that was her whiny interpretation of it. OP, you broke your parents rules and they punished you. You got what you deserved.

*parents', not parents. Wouldn't let me edit.

emilyxdemarco 1