By Fresca11 - 29/06/2011 00:51 - United States

Today, I was having dinner with my boyfriend. We'd just got our food when my dad walks in, comes up to our table and says, "I didn't say you could leave, you're too young to be dating him", then drags me out of the restaurant. We are both 15, and it was my first date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 508
You deserved it 14 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make up your mind - was he your boyfriend or was it your first date?

MidnightBlossom 2

Ahhh, young love and first dates.


allthatremains25 0

I understand OP, the first guy I brought home, my dad made him fill out this survey thing. it was really embarrassing, but he hasn't done that since the first one.. it'll get better.

titanscepanovic 4

That sucks, yes. but if OPs dad said no then she should have never left and I know I wasn't allowed to actually date until I was 16. It's just proper... why rush dating? YDI for not listening to dad!

Maybe she asked her mom? We don't know the whole story, you know. And even if she didn't, love > parents.

lazer_keyboard 0

I'm surprised that the restaurant actually served people so young. But, FYL my parents would do the same to me.

Are you serious? The restaurant could be sued if they didn't serve them, in an extreme case. Teenagers ARE considered responsible enough to act respectibly in public (without their parents), and most of them do. As long as OP and her date were acting like responsible adults, they have no reason not to be served.

ohcomeonsrsly 6

restaurants generally don't refuse to serve because of age. if you got the money, they got the food. plus, she didn't say it was a fancy restaurant. it could be McDonalds for all we know. (not classy, but I have had some great dates with my own boyfriend at McDonalds.)

FriskyCoconut 0

I'm 15, and I've eaten at many classy reaustrants with my other 15 year old friends. Never have we been refused service, I've never even heard of that happening before. My 10 year old sister has eaten out with her friends before!!

well obviously you need to be dating someone younger than you

that really sucks!! I'm 15, and know where you're coming from. I'm so sorry.

itswhateveridk 0

well if he's like twenty and ur fifteen then I kind of agree

ohcomeonsrsly 6
chengy4191 7

well he is right u ARE way too young!

well, there is your birth control for you...