By fmlguy382 - 22/06/2011 08:13 - United States

Today, I was complimented on how big my penis was. I was complimented by the guy peeing next to me in the men's restroom at McDonald's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 289
You deserved it 7 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sorry OP, I was just trying to give you a compliment. Didn't mean for things to get awkward...

Why would you want pictures of a dudes' tiny dick, If that's what you want to see go see the beginning of the Hangover 2

hmm your penis WAS big, whatever happened to it. i guess that's why it's a FML

lmaoatall 6

should have asked him what he thought about your nuggets.

drewpeacock42 1

yea i know its hard being hung

Not really. It's actually a pretty easy lifestyle.

Lolpizza_fml 0
iLoveBoobies21 0

welcome to America op, welcome to america.

rubypeterson 2

Can just say that you seem like a cool kid and I kinda love you and your profile pic?

sourgirl101 28

I don't know why but for some reason all I can think about after reading this is, McDonald's has the best straws.(:

bigmanj28 0