By fmlguy382 - 22/06/2011 08:13 - United States

Today, I was complimented on how big my penis was. I was complimented by the guy peeing next to me in the men's restroom at McDonald's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 289
You deserved it 7 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments


nickbucci1252 0

r u sure he did not say small penis and I highly doubt he even told u that

you should have yelled PERSONAL SPACE really loud

thats the only person that will ever compliment you. or even see your dick. you should got it on right there. your gonna be foreveralone..

jayson13_fml 8
perdix 29

Careful, Jayson, look at her picture -- that chick's got crabs.

kufan1324 0

hey honeys! and trust me, i have a ton of clothes. i just chose not to wear them most of the time. how can i **** with pants on?

lovin_darkness 0

OP, this is one of those times when you scream "Stranger Danger!" and get out fast

So what? Someone who likes dick is impressed with YOUR dick. Be flattered.

perdix 29

Then why aren't you at Burger King, the Home of the Whopper?