By fmlguy382 - 22/06/2011 08:13 - United States

Today, I was complimented on how big my penis was. I was complimented by the guy peeing next to me in the men's restroom at McDonald's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 289
You deserved it 7 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Yeah its awkward but prefer that .........imagine if he would have said "how small your penis is!" at least its a kind of compliment...not with the best person in the best place but compliment.

So was he just like "Nice huge penis you have there."?

This makes me *so* glad I'm a woman. You have no idea. It blows my mind that guys stand next to each other and watch each other pee.

and all the point of the FML... we DONT.. i just thing OP has a stalker on his back. at least u can comfort yourself OP you will have been told how huge your dick is at least once in your life.

daaaang must have been impressively big for a dude to compliment on it

Nina268 0

I would love to have 12 inch penis in my ******, u should be proud

ThatTyGuy 0

shoot if you want 12 inch I'd be happy to visit you

Ah, those random conversations in the men's room.