By Anonymous - 02/02/2016 10:17 - Canada - Cambridge

Today, I was at the gym. I'm 360 lbs and have finally decided it's time to change that. Some girl and her two bitch friends thought it'd be fun to follow me and belittle me at everything I did. When I mentioned it to the staff, they said that they were just "encouraging" me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 149
You deserved it 2 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They have problems that hitting the gym won't fix. Hang in there, OP.


I have a friend who's a large lady, anytime people give her shit about her weight she'll just glare at them and say something like "Bitch, I will EAT you!"

elizacandle 29

I'm sorry OP screw them and you do you!

The gym can't fix an ugly personality. Congrats on taking the first step towards whatever makes you happy OP, best of luck to you. :)

Sorry that happened OP. If I was there, I would've reminded them that everyone knows theywere just as unfit as everybody else when they started and that they still have a long way to go.

Aww, I'm sorry OP. That really sucks. Hang in there xoxo

Baron_Kaz 15

If you are irresponsible enough to reach 360 lbs then you deserve all the insults. You people claim obesity is disability and live off others like parasites! Pro tip: burgers and fries are bad, umm'kay?

sadpanda888 12

Wow really showing some compassion for your fellow human huh? She is trying to do something about it and you people still put her down. To me being fat will always be better than being an asshole like you.

MzZombicidal 36

Well they're ******* morons for trying to put you down while making an effort to change the reason they're giving you shit in the first place... Also you don't need a gym to get into shape- explore other options if you're feeling discouraged :) Chin up OP

There is nothing I could add that hasn't already been said but I wanted to add one more supportive comment for OP. Huge respect for doing something to change your life. As to those silly twats, tell them to kiss your butthole. Seriously!

Hey there OP, I don't know if you will read this, but I started out at 300 pounds and was 6' feet tall. It took months of dedication and drive and now I am at 250 and 6'5". I am sharing this with you because I was once in your position, I got back at them in the best way, I slept with both of those stingy bitches after I get slimmer and well built. The message here is, keep at it, and hook up with one of them or all them if you want.