By Anonymous - 02/02/2016 10:17 - Canada - Cambridge

Today, I was at the gym. I'm 360 lbs and have finally decided it's time to change that. Some girl and her two bitch friends thought it'd be fun to follow me and belittle me at everything I did. When I mentioned it to the staff, they said that they were just "encouraging" me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 149
You deserved it 2 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They have problems that hitting the gym won't fix. Hang in there, OP.


sadpanda888 12

Don't listen to those smug bitches. You are doing an amazing thing for your body and you should be proud of that. Don't let anyone make you feel down.

Getting shit from idiots at the gym is one thing but the staff condoning it? There is no way they should be able to keep their jobs after that

As a man who works in a gym, I would never have allowed that to happen. I'd find a new gym, that's discouraging as ****.

ambrrroni21 9

You there trying to make a change! Keep your head up:) you can change looks, but you can't change personality

Lifestyle changes will work with weight... It doesn't fix their ignorance or rudeness. Keep up the good work, OP! We'll be rooting for you.

In my opinion OP shouldn't do anything. Just keep working your ass of, and if they do it again tell them to leave you alone. Strength comes from within. Also take this as "encouragement", even if it wasn't. Show them you can do this.

Screw them. Keep it up and I hope you will see quick results soon! :)

Ignore them enough to let them be that inspiration to lift the bar once more, or run that extra minute. Focus on yourself and get where you need to be. Having haters is healthy. It means you're doing it right. They obviously are insecure about themselves so they try to make you feel worse. Next time, just ask them if they will join you. Tell them you noticed their asses starting to sag.

Maybe you shouldn't have gotten 360lbs. That wouldn't have happened if you weren't so lazy

Who cares how it happened. It happened. And now he's trying to fix the situation. Congratulations for waking up to this health issue. I'd also be looking for a new gym. Just saying...